Bitcoin Profit - What are the differences between cryptocurrency and digital currency?

What is Cryptocurrency Trading and How Does It Work?

Bitcoin Profit - Cryptocurrencies and CFD Trading
Published days ago on July 31, 2020
By Anton Kovačić
Trading cryptocurrency is about predicting how much it will rise or fall using a contract for difference (CFD) trading account, or by purchasing and selling original coins through an exchange.

Here is some useful information about trading crypto, how it actually works, and what factors affect the markets.
Bitcoin Profit - Cryptocurrencies and CFD Trading

Cryptocurrencies and CFD Trading

Contract for difference or derivative trading allows you to make predictions about cryptocurrency pricing changes without trading actual coins. There are a few options for trading, including buying or going long if you theorize that a cryptocurrency will rise in price, or short and sell if you believe it will fall in price.

Because they are leveraged, you can trade with a small deposit or margin, and get full access to the market. Gains and losses are all calculated based on your holdings. When you are leveraging, it can expand your profits and losses.

Using an Exchange to Trade Crypto

When you purchase crypto on an exchange, you are actually buying the coins. So you will need to open an account with an exchange and put up the value of the coins you have purchased and stored in your wallet in order to trade them on the market.

Familiarize yourself with the exchange as there is a lot to learn, and you will need to understand the technology. A lot of the exchanges place limits on the amount you can deposit, and some exchanges have excessive fees involved in maintaining an account.
Bitcoin Profit - How Do the Markets Work with Cryptocurrency?

How Do the Markets Work with Cryptocurrency?

Markets that deal in cryptocurrency are decentralized. They are not backed or insured by banks, governments, or corporations. There are no central authorities to regulate the market. The market itself is run and maintained over a network of computers.

Cryptocurrency, such as Bitcoin, are purchased and sold through an exchange, and you store your purchases in a wallet.

Crypto is very different from traditional fiat currency as they only exist digitally. It only exists on a digital ledger that is stored securely on a blockchain. Peer-to-peer transactions take place between users on the exchange where coins are bought and sold and stored in digital wallets.

Transactions are only final once they are verified and added by mining to the blockchain. New tokens are actually mined, and this is how they are created.
Bitcoin Profit - Blockchain – What Is It?

Blockchain – What Is It?

Blockchain is recorded data on a digital register that is shared. The history of transactions involving all units of cryptocurrency is stored on the blockchain. It details the changes in ownership over time. Blocks hold all of the recorded transactions, and together they form a blockchain.

Blockchain technology is very different from files on a computer as they have unique safety and security features.

Consensus of the Network

Blockchain files are stored on a computer network. It is never stored in a single location, and to allow for transparency, data can be read by everyone in the network. It adds security to the network because data cannot be changed, there are no vulnerabilities for hackers to exploit, and there is little chance for software or human errors to affect the network.

What is Cryptography?

Cryptography links blocks together. It is defined as complex math combined with computer science. If there is an attempt to change any data, this will disrupt the links and will be immediately identified as fraud by the network computers.

Cryptocurrency Mining – What Is It?

Mining is the process of creating new cryptocurrency and adding new blocks to the blockchain.
Bitcoin Profit - Transaction Verification

Transaction Verification

Computers that mine choose a transaction that is pending from a pool. It checks to be sure that there are sufficient funds in order to complete the transaction.

It checks the transaction against the history that is stored in the blockchain. There is a second check as well to confirm the sender has permission to transfer funds by using their private key.

Making New Blocks

Valid transactions are compiled into a new block by mining computers. They will solve a complex mathematical algorithm to create a link to the previous block.

Once the computer successfully creates the link, it will add the block to the blockchain file and update it across the network with a broadcast.
Bitcoin Profit - How Does the Cryptocurrency Market Move?

How Does the Cryptocurrency Market Move?

Supply and demand drives the cryptocurrency markets. These markets are free from the political and economic issues that affect traditional fiat currencies. Cryptocurrency markets are decentralized.

Here are some of the factors that have substantial impacts on the price of cryptocurrency:
Market Capital: A combination of the value of all cryptocurrency and user perception based on developments in the market.

Supply: The total number of crypto coins along with the rate that they are released, lost, or destroyed.

Integration: How well cryptocurrency integrates with other technologies.

Major Events: Significant events like economic setbacks, breaches in security, and changes in regulation.

Media Coverage: How cryptocurrency is portrayed in the press, and how popular the coverage is with the public.

Cryptocurrency and How Trading Works

Derivative trading allows you to predict whether or not your selected cryptocurrency will rise or fall in price. Pricing is quoted as with traditional currencies, and with this type of trading, you don’t actually own the cryptocurrency.

Contract of differences (CFDs) are leveraged, which means that you can trade based on a small deposit or a fraction of the full value of the cryptocurrency trade.

While you can significantly increase your profits with leveraged trading, you can also significantly increase your losses.

Cryptocurrency Trading – What is a Spread?

Spreads are the differences between buying and selling pricing in the cryptocurrency markets. When you start trading in these markets, you will be presented with the buy and sell prices.

If you want to trade at the buy price, you will select the long position which is holding the trade for a longer time period, and above market price. When trading on the sell price, you will hold the trade for a shorter period of time, and below market price.

Cryptocurrency Trading – What are Lots?

Lots are batches of cryptocurrency coins that are used to systematize trading sizes. Cryptocurrency is traded in batches or lots. They are also very volatile markets, and lots are generally small. They are usually one unit of a cryptocurrency.

Cryptocurrency Trading – What is Leverage?

Leverage trading gives you access to vast amounts of cryptocurrency without having to put up the full value of your trade initially. With this kind of trading, you put up a minimum deposit, which is also called a margin.

When you end the trading process, your gains or losses are based on the full value of the trade.
Bitcoin Profit - Cryptocurrency Trading – What is Margin?

Cryptocurrency Trading – What is Margin?

The margin is the deposit you make to open and manage a leveraged trading account. Margins change depending upon the broker you use, and the amount of funds you will use to trade.

It is a percentage of the full value of a leveraged trade. When trading bitcoin, there may be a 20% deposit required on the total value of the trade to be paid for your account to be started. For example, you won’t have to put down a full $10,000, at 20%, your deposit would be $2000.

Cryptocurrency Trading – What is a Pip?

The units meant to measure movement in the market, and cryptocurrency pricing are called pips. In the price, it’s a one-digit movement at a particular level. Cryptocurrencies are traded at the level of the dollar, and this would be the movement of a single pip.

There are cryptocurrencies of lower value that are traded at lower amounts so that a pip would be defined as a penny or a fraction of a penny.

It is always best to educate yourself on the details surrounding an investment platform so that you completely understand how pricing changes and will be measured before you begin investing.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the differences between cryptocurrency and digital currency?

The main difference is between cryptocurrency, and digital currency is that cryptocurrency is decentralized, meaning it is not regulated or managed by a government, bank, or corporation.

Cryptocurrencies are managed across a computer network. Digital currencies are similar to traditional currencies in that they only exist digitally and are issued from a central authority.

What are the different varieties of crypto wallets?

Cryptocurrency wallets come in five different varieties. These include paper wallets, online wallets, desktop wallets, online wallets, and mobile wallets. Wallets are not required for trading cryptocurrency on leveraged accounts. They are only needed when you are buying cryptocurrency. They are used to send, store, and receive different cryptocurrencies.

What was the very first cryptocurrency?

The very first cryptocurrency was bitcoin, and it was registered back in 2008. We do not know the true identity of its creator, because it was registered and developed under a pseudonym, Satoshi Nakamoto.

Is it real money, and does it hold true value?

Cryptocurrency is an alternative form of money. There are businesses that accept them as a form of payment. They are different from traditional money as they are intangible and very volatile in the markets.

Bitcoin Profit - Anton Kovačić

Anton Kovačić

Anton is a finance graduate and crypto enthusiast.
He specializes in market strategies and technical analysis, and has been interested in Bitcoin and actively involved in the crypto markets since 2013.
Apart from writing, Anton’s hobbies and interests include sports and movies.